
May 7- May11/12.

Monday: Health with Mr. Snider.  Good luck to our choir members at the Kiwanis presentation tonight.
Tuesday: Drama with Mr. Kiemele.
Wednesday: Choir and Drama with Mrs. Kiemele.  Planting our native species garden: wear clothes that can get dirty.
Thursday: Gym: shoes required.
Friday: Gym: shoes required.  Social studies test: Gr. 2: Zimbabwe, Gr. 3: Urban, rural. and suburban lifestyles. 

Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers, grandmothers, and care givers!

Next week: Math test: Fractions on Tuesday.    Yearbook class page design contest this week: voting on Thursday.  PD DAY: NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012.

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